Monday, April 13, 2009

Kickstart - How Successful Canadians Got Started

By Alexander Herman, Paul Matthews and Andrew Feindel

Canadian talent usually tends to be understated, and these authors venture out to learn from successful Canadians and how they got their start in life. Many of us can sympathize with (or are currently experiencing) the concept of a quarter-life crisis, the idea that we have reached a point in our lives where we are re-evaluating how we want to apply ourselves and the directions we want to set.

Each personality has a different definition and vision for how they apply themselves and what they want to achieve. There are a broad range of experiences, each with its own lessons for any reader. Interestingly, one's "key to success" could become another's potential road to disaster.

I think the book's structure makes it both interesting and easily digestible. It certainly feels as if each story is like sitting down for a coffee with the interviewee. The biographies are divided into three groups: Searchers, Survivors and Dreamers, and each story reflects the Canadian perspective and highlights how our unique backgrounds can help (or impede) our path to success (whatever form it takes).

A must read for young Canadians, especially those of us about to (or who have recently) come out of university and are dealing with the quarter-life crisis. The three authors are friends of mine from high school and (as the introduction suggests) are currently facing the same challenges that we all are.

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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